
Build your own digital planners that work for you and are completely customizable!

Get Beta Access

If you want a digital planning tool with features created around your feedback, join the Discord to get updates about beta access!

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Style How You’d Like

Letting you decide what your planner looks like, while never sacrificing simplicity

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Task List

Schedule dinner with friends
Finish writing notes for class
Pick up groceries for dinner

Background Style

Color Scheme

Heading Font

Body Font

Your creativity is the limit...

Notion-style Databases

Entries like Tasks and Notes are recorded into databases in your planner

Keep all the aspects of your life on your dashboard, to keep the important things front of mind

Tasks Database

Create All Kinds of Entries

Habit Tracking

Track habits and keep yourself accountable to hit your goals.

Tasks & Reminders

Create, store and categorize tasks. Use reminders to help you stay on top of your life.


Keep a daily journal or easily jot down thoughts as inspiration pops up.

Calendar & Schedule

Plan your schedules and events with full customisation, plus sync with your existing calendar!

Circle of apps

Why we made BlockFlow

We love the functionality that Notion has for organizing your life, but it lacks the ability to really personalize the style and design.

Apps like Zinnia and Goodnotes let you create or use beautiful digital planners, but lack the powerful functionality that Notion’s databases offer.

So we created BlockFlow so that you can have the best of both worlds!

And More...


Full editing and customization control across your laptop, phone and tablet.

Data Protection

We take security seriously, and you retain full control over your data.

Customization Presets

Get started in minutes with our growing library of themes and templates.

Offline Mode

Life takes you to all kinds of places, so we want to make sure you can always access your life planner.

Coming soon


We know the best ideas come from collaboration - plan things out with your friends or your partner.

Coming soon

Easy Import

Easily import all your existing data from Notion and other apps in just a few clicks.

Coming soon

Get Beta Access

If you want a digital planning tool with features created around your feedback, join the Discord to get updates about beta access!

Join Discord